Sunday, November 29

Finally Feeling Better

Finally getting over the viral flu. Fever, sore throat and cough are no fun!

Thank goodness for vacation days as I ended up taking the three days before Thanksgiving. The extra days in bed and taking it easy really helped.

After three weeks actually feeling human again. Maybe I'll take a flu shot next year!


My first exposure to Advent was in Germany where we lived in the 1980s. I was fascinated by the advent calendar found in all the German stores. You know the cute little December calendar that had a piece of chocolate hidden behind each day of the month.

Then our church in TN (in the 90s) celebrated advent each Sunday of December by reading a scripture and lighting a special advent candle.

This year I am reading through the Advent Daily Scripture readings:

Sunday November 29 - Isaiah 42:1-9 (Light the Prophecy Candle)
Monday November 30 - Psalm 89:1-29
Tuesday December 1 - Isaiah 55
Wednesday December 2 - Isaiah 35
Thursday December 3 - Luke 1:26-38
Friday December 4 - John 1:1-10
Saturday December 5- John 1:11-18

Sunday December 6 - Micah 5:2 (Light the Bethlehem Candle)
Monday December 7 - Malachi 3:1-4
Tuesday December 8 - Matthew 1:18-25
Wednesday December 9 - Mark 1:1-13
Thursday December 10 - Isaiah 40:1-11
Friday December 11 - Isaiah 52:1-6
Saturday December 12 - Isaiah 9:2-7

Sunday December 13 - Luke 2:8-20 (Light the Shepherd Candle)
Monday December 14 - Luke 1:5-25
Tuesday December 15 - Luke 1:39-56
Wednesday December 16 - Jeremiah 33:7-16
Thursday December 17 - Luke 1:57-80
Friday December 18 - Isaiah 61
Saturday December 19 - Revelation 21:1-7

Sunday December 20 - Matthew 1:18-25 (Light the Angel Candle)
Monday December 21 - Revelation 1:10-18
Tuesday December 22 - Matthew 2:1-12
Wednesday December 23 - Luke 1:28-38
Thursday December 24 - Luke 2:1-20 (Light the Christ Candle)
Friday December 25 - Read the Christmas story together from Luke 2:1-38

Friday, November 27

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

(One of my favorite Christmas carols....I love the words!)

God rest ye merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay.
For Jesus Christ our Saviour was born upon this day.
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray. O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy. O tidings of comfort and joy.

In Bethlehem, in Israel, This blessed Babe was born,
And laid within a manger Upon this blessed morn,
The which His Mother Mary did nothing take in scorn:
O tidings ...

From God our heavenly Father, A blessèd angel came,
And unto certain shepherds brought tidings of the same,
How that in Bethlehem was born The Son of God by name:
O tidings ...

The shepherds at those tidings Rejoicèd much in mind,
And left their flocks a-feeding In tempest, storm and wind,
And went to Bethlehem straightway, This blessèd Babe to find:
O tidings ...

But when to Bethlehem they came, Whereat this Infant lay,
They found Him in a manger, Where oxen feed on hay;
His mother Mary kneeling, Unto the Lord did pray:
O tidings ...

Now to the Lord sing praises, All you within this place,
And with true love and brotherhood Each other now embrace;
This holy tide of Christmas All others doth deface
O tidings ...

Thursday, November 26

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving with thankful hearts.

Thankful for all God has done for us this year.

And thankful for the future!

Saturday, November 21

Historic Homes Holiday Tour 2009

I love the old houses that line our downtown streets and have always wanted to tour one. When I heard about the Salvation Army Home tour I knew my chance had come.

My neighbor and I toured five historic homes yesterday. The homes have been beautifully restored and lovingly maintained. Most were decorated for Christmas.

Several homes featured a "sleeping porch", a common feature at the turn of the centry when Colorado Springs and Manitou Springs were popular spa/resort areas for those diganosed with tuberculosis.

One home had been converted into six apartments after World War II when the housing market was tight. The home was restored to a single family dwelling by an owner in the 1990's.

As I walked through each of these homes I tried to imagine the families that had lived there. I pictured children laughing and playing in bedrooms and adults gathering in the living areas talking about the latest news.

This home tour was well worth the $20 ticket and went to a worthy cause. I will definitely attend again next year!

Monday, November 9

God Moments

Have you ever searched for something? And looked and looked and looked? You can visualize the item you are looking for but just can't quite find it.

A few years ago we were selling our travel trailer and needed the keys. In my mind I could see them in a small green mesh basket but could not locate it.

The next day I was in the office and accidentally knocked some pictures off the bookshelf. When I bent over to pick them up, my eyes immediately went to a green mesh basket on the bottom shelf that contained the keys!

The interesting thing was I had knocked those same pictures off the shelf several times that week. In my haste I hadn't noticed the basket on the bottom shelf.

How many times does God have to show me things before I finally get it? This was a good reminder to slow down and take notice of the things around me!

Sunday, November 8

Cooking Day

Sunday has become my cooking day since we're now attending church on Saturday nights.

Today I'm making egg frittata cups, a double batch of meat loaf muffins and grilling a bag of roasted garlic chicken.

The egg frittatas and the meat loaf muffins each fit perfectly in a half cup glad ware container. Convenient for storing and a great way to have portion control! Half of the meat loaf muffins will go in the freezer for later use.

I warm the meatloaf muffin in the microwave and add ketchup, barbecue sauce or salsa. Sometimes I make a meat loaf sandwich.

The egg frittata includes garlic, onion, spinach, cheese and canadian bacon. It is great for a quick breakfast with a slice of toast. And, of course, have to add the salsa on top!

Later today I'll make chicken wraps from the grilled chicken. We'll use the rest of the chicken for salads and sandwiches this week.

It's so nice to have a ready-to-go meal to pull from the fridge all week!

Monday, November 2

Psalms 9-1-1

Recently I was changing a computer password and trying to come up with something clever and easy to remember. I typed in Psalms91 but the password required nine characters. So I added an additional one on the end.

Later as I typed the password I realized how it read. Psalms 9-1-1....just like an emergency call! The book of Psalms has definitely been that for me. Through my life these precious scriptures have brought much comfort and peace to me as I faced life emergencies.

Sunday, November 1

Fireproof music video (The Words I Would Say by Sidewalk Prophets)

Beautiful Day!

The snow is gone and we've had sunny, warm weather today. That's one of the great things about living in Colorado. We never get tired of the weather because it changes so quickly!

Not sure how I feel about the time change today, though. It's only 4:35 p.m. and the sun has almost set. Makes me want to hibernate for the winter! :)