Sunday, November 23

An Attitude of Gratitude

I am so thankful:

To be back in Colorado. This will be the first time in many years that we've spent Thanksgiving together. And we'll be thinking of the rest of the family in Michigan!!

That I still have a job. Last week 149 employees were laid off in our organization.

For my health. I thank God for every day of breathe and life.

My family. They are all precious to me.

Saturday, November 1

A Favorite Psalm

When life gets crazy I love to read the Psalms.

Yesterday seemed to be one of those days.

I am concerned about our country and the how the elections could turn out.

A friend at work lost her mother yesterday and my heart goes out to her.

There are great concerns about a layoff where I work.

As I juggled the "what ifs" over and over in my mind, I was reminded of Psalm 31:15."My times are in Your hands."

Knowing God is in control brings me great comfort.