Wednesday, December 31

2008 Book List

Amber Morn - Brandilyn Collins
Finding Home - Jim Daly
Crimson Eve - Brandilyn Collins
Quiet Strength - Tony Dungy
Coral Moon - Brandilyn Collins
Let Them Eat Cake - Sandra Byrd
Violet Dawn - Brandilyn Collins
Colorado's Hot Springs - Debra Frazier George
The Measure of A Lady - Deanne Gist
A Bride Most Begrudging - Deanne Gist
Gadzooks! - Paul J. Batura
In and Around Old Colorado City - Cathleen Norman
Colorado Springs - Elizabeth Wallace
The Antlers Hotel
Deep in the Heart of Trouble - Deanne Gist
Though None Go With Me - Jerry Jenkins
Wellsprings - A History of the Pikes Peak Region - Jeanne Davant
The Great Pikes Peak Gold Rush - Robert L. Brown
Colorado Homes - Sandra Dallas
Pikes Peak Pioneers - Ivan W. Brunk
Mistaken Identity - The Cerak & Van Ryn families w/Mark Tabb
Ghost Towns of Northern Colorado - John Aldrich
From A Distance - Tamera Alexander
Here Lies Colorado Springs - Denise Oldach
Abomination - Colleen Coble
History of Northern Colorado Springs
History of Southern Colorado Springs
It's All About Him - Denise Jackson
Monday Night Jihad - Jason Elam
Lonestar Sanctuary - Colleen Coble
On Colfax Avenue - Elizabeth Young
Mansions of Denver - James Bretz
Deliver Us From Evil - Don Basham
Blessed Be Your Name - Matt & Beth Redman
Butterscotch Sundaes - Virginia Smith
Courting Trouble - Deanne Gist
Presumed Guilty - James Scott Bell
Writing for the Soul - Jerry Jenkins

Tuesday, December 30

2009 Goals

I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions. I just don't ever keep them!

Instead I like to make New Year's goals and have a theme for the new year.

My theme this year is CONSISTENCY. I need it in so many areas...

My Goals for 2009:
1. Spend time with God each morning and start the day right!
2. Love my husband with all my heart
3. Let go of the past - failures and disappointments
4. Exercise, drink water and make good food choices
5. Just do it! (don't procrastinate)
6. Finish my book, submit and get published
7. Bless others - be intentional
8. Be more involved at my church
9. Listen more attentively/better communication
10. Blog and journal on a consistent basis

Monday, December 29

Christmas Blessings

Christmas this year was all about family. We didn't put up a Christmas tree or exchange presents. I didn't even bake a single goodie.

Instead we focused on family time, giving to others and the real reason for the season....Jesus' birth.

Gifts are nice but time with my family is priceless.

Sunday, November 23

An Attitude of Gratitude

I am so thankful:

To be back in Colorado. This will be the first time in many years that we've spent Thanksgiving together. And we'll be thinking of the rest of the family in Michigan!!

That I still have a job. Last week 149 employees were laid off in our organization.

For my health. I thank God for every day of breathe and life.

My family. They are all precious to me.

Saturday, November 1

A Favorite Psalm

When life gets crazy I love to read the Psalms.

Yesterday seemed to be one of those days.

I am concerned about our country and the how the elections could turn out.

A friend at work lost her mother yesterday and my heart goes out to her.

There are great concerns about a layoff where I work.

As I juggled the "what ifs" over and over in my mind, I was reminded of Psalm 31:15."My times are in Your hands."

Knowing God is in control brings me great comfort.

Saturday, October 18

New Favorite Author

Just discovered a Christian author who writes "seatbelt suspense". I've read four of her books in the last three weeks. She is awesome!

Her name is Brandilyn Collins. She has authored many books but I decided to give her "Kanner Lake Series" a try. I was definitely not disappointed! Finding the time to read a few of the books in one or two sittings greatly increased the suspense of the story.

The series consists of "Violet Dawn", "Coral Moon", "Crimson Eve" and "Amber Morn". These fast-paced page turners will hold your attention until the very end.

As Brandilyn says "strap yourself in tight and don't forget to breathe".

Saturday, September 27

Birthday weekend

Can't say that everything in life is perfect (who can?) but God is faithful and I'm so thankful for all I have.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm so grateful to be home. Spending my special day with my family is about the best present I could receive! :)

We are going to see "Fireproof" on Monday and I'm very excited! I've heard great things about the movie. See a preview here: Fireproof

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, August 13

Everlasting God

God's Promises

In the midst of:

My husband's four month job search..... God promises He is our provider

My husband's diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease..... God promises He is our healer

Our sweet little dog's diagnosis of a tumor in the bladder ....God promises He is our comfort and peace

The Psalms have been a great comfort to me lately. Even "in the midst" of life's problems, I feel peace in my heart and mind. God is good!

Friday, July 18

Rush Hour Traffic

I love being back in Colorado Springs. But one thing I do not love is the traffic! I guess I'm spoiled....for years I did not have to drive to work on an interstate during rush hour.

This has been a real test of faith. God is good and has protected and blessed me on every trip to work and home.

Thank goodness I don't live in a larger city! :)

Saturday, July 5

Rocky Mountain High

One of my favorite destinations has always been the mountains. Growing up in Colorado, I have many fond memories of camping trips, hikes and enjoying the outdoors.

Yesterday we took a day-trip to the mountains. It thrills my heart to start climbing in elevation up Ute Pass (Highway 24), winding between the rocky, red foothills and enjoying the fresh mountain pine scent.

As we drove from Woodland Park to Deckers, we discussed the possibility of living in the mountains some day. Neither one of us are particularly social and we could survive a week at a time in a mountain retreat beyond the outside world. We envision a cabin on a secluded road overlooking some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.

God only knows if this fantasy will ever become reality, but it is fun to dream.

Saturday, June 28

Family time

I've always missed my family and longed to live closer to them. God answered that prayer this year when we moved back to Colorado Springs.

Now I spend most Saturdays at Mom and Dad's. We eat, I do laundry and we play Mexican train dominoes. Not the most exciting things in the world but I enjoy spending time with them.

I was extremely blessed to share Mother's Day and Father's Day with Mom and Dad this year. (a very rare occurrence) And I'm definitely looking forward to other holidays with them, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Saturday, June 21

Blessed Be Your Name

Blessed Be Your Name

Blessed be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's "all as it should be"
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

A Journey of Faith

In January 2007 Steve and I started praying about selling our house in Fenton, MO. In some ways it didn't make a lot of sense since we'd only been in the house for 2 years. We asked God to open the doors that no man could open and close the doors no man could close.

In March the house went on the market and sold in June. (A God-thing since the housing market crash started around this time.)

In July we bought a new 5th wheel and moved to Covered Bridge RV Park in Fenton. We prayed continually about our next step. When Steve had a sudden job change in September, we wondered if it was time to move on. But God kept us at Joyce Meyer Ministries another seven months.

In March of this year we came to Colorado Springs to visit my family. We felt peace in our hearts about renting a storage unit and bringing our furniture. Steve and I both had job interviews at Focus on the Family and we went back to MO with a new hope we would move to Colorado soon.

I was disappointed when the jobs at Focus did not seem to work out. We kept praying and believing that God would work it out in His timing. I was thrilled when I received a call from Focus on April 14th for a job interview.

And the rest is history.....I started that job on May 5th. It has been a wonderful experience. God has shown His faithfulness over and over. He prepared me in many ways for this job and I love my new co-workers.

Wednesday, June 18

We are back!!

For years I dreamed of moving back to Colorado. I grew up here and we moved away when Steve was transferred with the military in 1979.

After many prayers, our dreams came true this year.

I am so delighted! :)