Sunday, September 13

My Dreams, My Locusts

Today Pastor Matt spoke about our dreams and the dreams of our church. He brought out some good points about how the "locusts" steal our dreams. Sometimes this happens through no fault of our own but many times we can stop them.

The wheels in my mind started turning and I came up with a list of "locusts" that try to steal my dreams:

1. Fear of failure. This is a constant battle for me. I have to “turn off” the negative thoughts that run through my mind and can only overcome them with God’s help.
2. Defeat. At times the tasks seem too hard and I lose heart. Am I too old? Not educated enough? Then in the busyness of life the vision slips to the backburner and simmers there.
3. Time management. The best thought-out plans are often laid aside for daily tasks and schedules. I’ve always heard that we will make time for the things that are most important to us.

If I thought long enough about it, I’m sure there are more….but the point is I do not want the locust to kill my dreams. Now I must do something about it!

God is so good....He has already provided several events in the next few weeks that will provide encouragement, instruction and practice as I pursue my dreams!

Sunday, September 6

And the Winner is.....

The 12 week weight loss challenge was awesome! I stepped up my exercise, ate healthy meals with lots of fruits and vegetables and drank gallons of water. The challenge ended on August 31st and the winners were announced last week. Was I ever surprised to win first place!! I lost 12 lbs in 12 weeks.

I won a $50 gift card to Whole Foods and a nice little gift pack with exercise essentials... socks, Crystal Light On the Go drink, baby foot powder and foot gel.

I'd still like to lose about 5 more lbs. It will be a slow process but I'm not in any hurry and will also start practicing maintenance.

Since I started exercising on a regular basis, I have less back aches and more energy. And the best part is that my clothes fit so much better!